Board Meeting September 21, 2010 @ 7:00PM

One of our owners has taped the last whole board meeting. The recording is available to all the owners in the building. As we are trying to collect all email addresses, please email the building’s email address ( and give us your name,main telephone number,unit number and email address and we will then send you the link to the complete board minutes. This meeting lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes so it is a long listen but worth listening to it. We are only offering these minutes to unit owners and thus we are not posting them on the Blog. However, we welcome all comments on the blog after reviewing the board meeting recording.

Below are the official minutes of the meeting prepared by the board’s secretary:

Portofino South

Board of Directors Meeting

September 21, 2010

Eugene Christopherson called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call


Eugene Christopherson

Michael Roefaro

Martha Lee

Betse Gori

Howard Erskine

Keith Gornick

Jenny Jones

Ann McKay

Parker Reid


Frank Lagalante- Property Manager

Sarah Watkins- Office Manager

Eugene Christopherson opened the meeting up for homeowner discussion concerning agenda topics.

Geraldine McNamara from unit #401 commented on the lack of rules and regulations regarding service pets.

Betse Gori from unit # 601 commented that the pool looks fabulous after the recent cleaning and repairs that have been done.

Janet Woodward from unit # 612 thanked Frank Lagalante for the new American flag that has been placed outside.

Howard Erskine moved to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the June 21st, 2010 and August 17th, 2010 meeting. Motion seconded by Michael Roefaro. The vote was unanimous.

Reports of Officers

President- none

Vice President- Michael Roefaro commented that the Executive Committee and the Property Manager did meet several times throughout the summer to make decisions about the building and its upkeep.

Secretary- None

Treasurer- See Attached

Manager’s Report– Frank Lagalante discussed the work that was done on the pool and commended the company that was hired to do the work, A Leak Solution. He also reported that the company hired to repair the generator, The Generator People, will be completing the repairs on September 23, 2010. He also reported that we have two in-house painting projects that our staff members have been working on. One being the painting of the fountain from black to blue and the other is the painting of the stairwells from green to white. Frank also reported that the cooling tower project will be started in mid-October after hurricane season. Frank also discussed the general lack of security on the property and across the street in the visitor’s lots. He recommends a new security camera system and having the lots across the street fenced and gated. The Board agreed that these issues should be looked into as soon as possible.

See Attached Maintenance report and Collection Report

Committee Reports

Landscaping Committee- Frank Lagalante reported that the palm trees that were planted along the south side of the building have been transplanted at the east end of the          pool. He is working on cleaning the area by the pool heaters and trimming the        bushes and trees that may be blocking the solar panels.

Human Resources Committee- Jenny Jones reported that the committee is working on a    new employee handbook. Once this handbook is complete the committee will review it with the Property Manager.

Finance / Insurance Committee- Betse Gori reported that the finance committee will be     scheduling a meeting within the next week to prepare the 2011 budget.

Exterior / Interior Paint Selection Committee- Barbara Tattersfield gave a brief      presentation of the committees final color selection for the exterior of the     building. She also gave her selection for the interior hallways and doors of linen            white on the walls and the doors will be in the same tones.

Credentials Committee- Martha Lee reported that the credentials committee interviewed   six new renters; unit #1007 Brianne Fairfax and Elizabeth Schmal, unit # 304      Jorge Torres and Gilma Hernandez, unit #901 Tarra Shannan and Charlotte           Heartlaub in unit #1102. The committee also interviewed Jimmy Davalos for unit             #211.

Old Business

Eugene Christopherson reported that the carpet has been delivered into storage and has been paid for in full. D.S. Miller has agreed to store the carpet without charge until January 1, 2011. The method of payment will be discussed at the October meeting by Betse Gori after review of the budget.

Betse Gori moved that the recommendations of the appointed Exterior/ Interior Selection Committee and the interior and exterior color schemes be approved as identified. Motion seconded by Michael Roefaro. Vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

Betse Gori made a motion that the finance committee incorporate the possible replacement of the pool patio tiles and the front entrance tiles into their deliberations before the next meeting and make a recommendation on how to fund the project in its entirety. In the interim, the material and color scheme for the project should be selected.

Motion seconded by Parker Reid. Vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

New Business

Parker Reid moved to use a Digital Voice Recorder at all Board Meetings to provide electronic access to such recordings which shall be maintained for at least 18 months. Motion seconded by Keith Gornick. After Board discussion the vote was as follows:

In Favor- 2 Parker Reid, Keith Gornick

Opposed- 7 Eugene Christopherson, Michael Roefaro, Martha Lee, Betse Gori, Jenny Jones, Howard Erskine

Motion Failed

Parker Reid made a motion as follows:

“Due to the fact that our 2010 budget for legal expenses through August is $10,000.00 and because the actual figure is $30,680.00. This is three times over our budget, I move that the Board tonight establish a Special Committee to review the Associations legal fees to determine why such expenses are so high, whether they were warranted and necessary for the benefit of the Association as a whole and not for the benefit of any unit owners personally, and were not excessive in terms of rate and hours billed. And second, that the Board ask Director Keith Gornick to chair this committee, with authority to select qualified unit owners to serve in this committee as he sees fit. And third that this Committee investigates these questions and submit its finding and recommendations, including reimbursement and/or restitution, at the October 2010 Board meeting.”

Motion seconded by Keith Gornick. After Board discussion the vote was as follows:

In Favor- 2 Parker Reid, Keith Gornick

Opposed- 7 Eugene Christopherson, Michael Roefaro, Martha Lee, Betse Gori, Jenny Jones, Howard Erskine

The motion Failed.

Ann McKay made a motion to table the discussion on the purchase of new window blinds until the October meeting. Motion seconded by Jenny Jones. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

Ann McKay made a motion to turn down the rooftop easement buy out proposal from SBA Communications. Motion seconded by Betse Gori. After Board discussion the vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

Keith Gornick made a motion that the building manager solicits additional lease opportunities for the Associations’ roof. Motion seconded by Ann McKay. After brief Board discussion the vote was as follows:

In Favor- 3 Parker Reid, Keith Gornick, Ann McKay

Opposed- 6 Eugene Christopherson, Michael Roefaro, Betse Gori, Martha Lee, Howard Erskine

The motion failed.

Board discussion concerning matters of present and future interest

The Board discussed the issue of flying an American flag on the building. The Board gave the Property Manager permission to repair the lighting fixture that lights the flag pole. He was also instructed to only fix and maintain the entrance (south) flag pole, not both.

The Board discussed the increased need for rules and regulations regarding service pets in the building. The Board will review the laws regarding service pets and formulate a reasonable set of rules and regulations that will be sent out to all pet owners.

Eugene Christopherson made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Jenny Jones. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by:


Martha Lee, Secretary

Please lets us have your email address

I am trying to compile an email list of all the owners in the building so we can all keep in touch as some of us are seasonal and do not hear about meetings( only posted in the elevator) or postings. However, we are supposed to pay for things that we have no knowledge of. The official minutes of meetings are unfortunately not informative either or so late that way passed their use. And if we had a newsletter, I am not sure that would help keep us in the loop. I was very sorry to hear that the Sallee’s were fired from doing garden work…..I did not know you could be fired from volunteering!

Please take the time and email me something with your name, apt # and telephone number.