Portofino South February 2017 Board Meeting

President PK welcomed all condo owners in the audience and welcomed their ideas  and wanted

To keep the communication open.


She welcomed LB as a new board member and who will head the communication officer- she spoke at the end of the meeting and said she was planning on producing a monthly news letter and she had 90 email addresses to send it to. (in the past I thought we were not allowed to publish condo owners telephone numbers but email addresses are okay?)


Secretary GD said all accounts are current

BG asked if he was using the reserve funds which she thought needed a vote but he said he was only using them for the projects they were put away for and that did not need a vote.


He emphasized that maintenance has stayed the same for 5 years except the extra $2 for Comcast increase.


Ihor from the audience asked about the new structures on the roof of the condo to our south and Frank answered that they were the three other companies that were not on our roof. We have AT&T and earn $26,000.


Manager’s Report:

Frank gave the board estimates for the paving and drainage of the parking lots there are two contracts and he encourage that the board should sign one asap in order to get the project going May 1.

Mangroves near the edge of our property should be trimmed and cleaned out. He said that during the last demonstration lots of garbage collected there. He also advised there were some bald spots and we should fill in. LB asked if there was proper signage there so people are aware it was private property?

Frank said there was. But emphasized they should be trimmed which needs to have a federal permit. LB said maybe we should delay as there might be a new descision about the redo of the Southern bridge.

The initial cutting will be $3500 and then $800 each quarter. This is not in the budget and does not have to be done right away. (I went to see the area today and there is garbage there but it is not new garbage from protesters but mainly plastic bags from the water and boats. Also the next door Yaught Club has cut theirs down like a hedge and it looks good. But the empty spaces are good as there is less trash in those areas. Also we do not have proper signage in the grass area there and the no trespassing sign on the gate to the dock is all faded away)

Back to the parking lots. There might be as many as 10 contractors involved in the project. Frank said we should get a contract manager or an oversearer as the engineer that we are paying will not supervise the job. Our engineer lives in the building and is being paid. The project will take approximately 5 months. The lots have to be brought up to current city code.

The Decorating Committee By GC

There was a new bar in the room and said that it could go back if people did not like the committee’s choice. But the next morning a condo owner that does a lot of the parties in that room did not think it functioned but was told we own it, priced at $1299. New sconces and a fresh coat of paint (donated by Doug) as someone did not like the light blue. It is now beige.

GC showed pictures of new ceiling tiles for the hallways and lights. The price for the light were $109 . But the other prices he was not very clear about so it was tabled. So one suggested getting rid of the tile areas in front of the elevators. (when Comcast recently came to fix my cable he had to trace my cable out of my apt through the hall ceiling in front of the elevators. It was easy as he could mob=ve the tiles off the grid but they should be careful to make it harder to get up there for Comcast, Plumbers, and maybe fire)


They interviewed I renter in 1002, one guest in 601, and 304 a renter.

Social Committee:

No report

Guest to the Meeting: Andrew Wilson of Epic Wireless

He spoke about bringing our own fiber optics to the building. He is a reseller of cable. But the board asked him to just estimate to bring wi fi to the common area only.

(We do not know how many people in the condo have internet service and who uses Comcast or AT&T. But I know that Comcast is interested in trying to get the exclusive for our building and with that they will throw in free wi fi for public areas) I gave the person Franks email.

LB has said she will do a newsletter for the building and it will come out monthly.

note: the words and thoughts between parentheses are those of my opinion 


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